Forwarding Fun
They are also ridiculously heterosexual. How many forwards automatically presume all guys want a girl, and all girls want a guy? How many surveys ask girls if they have a boyfriend? Forwards exist for most causes, anti-racism, anti-sectarianism, anti-Iraq war, but yet there are very few anti-homophobia forwards. And what is perhaps worse, if there were, people (closeted or closed-minded) would be afraid to forward them, lest they are presumed gay.
I don’t mind getting sent forwards that are funny, although most of them I’ve seen 10 times before, and the rest are either not funny or highly politically incorrect.
There is also a certain amount of hypocrisy in a world that consistently screams ‘Information overload!’, which spends much of it’s day typing in surveys, forwarding pictures of puppies/kittens/chicks.
Yes, the thought is there. It’s nice to know someone who hasn’t actually bothered to pick up the phone to you in 6 months still has you in his or her address book. But how can a ‘Friendship Prayer’ be sincere is it’s sent to 150 other friends, work colleagues and acquaintances?
However, if you would like to send me a forward, or even better – a personalised message, email me. Details at the side.
I am finally home and in front of the computer for the first time in 48 hours. I have 96 RSS feeds to read and yours is the first one I opened.
Does that count at all?
I hate the forwarded ones and it is rare that I reply, do the test, pass on the sentiments etc. Rare. The amount of times I have seen the same thing just astounds me - I am sure I get stuff a second time from the same person.
The other day I got something from a woman and it took me approximately an hour to remember who she was. I am fairly certain she has no recollection who *I* am. Just another contact in an address book that she "sent to all" - she wont even have known I was getting the email!
Talk soon. x
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