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Perhaps the most difficult part of my birthday weekend was justifying my presents to my mother. One friend thought it would be most humorous to buy me a book, “How to chat up women”, which I can recommend, despite giving a wholly heterosexual outlook on dating. I hope my friend was suggesting the irony of me not needing a book. It has however offered me some advice on the role of facial hair in flirting. Apparently if I grow a goatee I will attract a different kind of woman. I bet.
I justified the above gift with a made up tale of me chatting up the dinner ladies in school to get bigger portions. The very thought of chatting up our gnarled dinner ladies makes my little stomach turn.
Another friend got me a nice card with a picture of a masturbating woman on the front of it. She had, at least, pre warned me of this. Thank god I took her warning seriously. That would have been slightly more difficult to explain. I think the vibrating laser gun toy from another person who perhaps thinks I am about to begin childhood regression may also have connotations, but not any my parents would pick up on.
My new snazzy walkman mobile phone has been filled up with the best of dykish tunes, meaning I can declare my sexuality covertly by my music choice on the move.
Oh to be 17 again….
You may want to consider a goatee if you have to chat up the lunch ladies....some of them have more facial hair than my Da!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Yeah, Happy Belated Birthday!
Got your student house in Belfast yet?
You'll never be 17 again.
From here on in, it's all downhill.
Before you know it, your tits will be around your waist and you won't be able to find your false teeth, because you've forgotten were you left your bifocals.
There'll be no point asking for help, because you won't be able to hear any of the answers the others in the old folks home give you, due to the fact that no-ones changed your hearing aid betteries for the last 11 years.
Student house in Belfast? Is that some kind of secret code?
Maggie - They do have impressive beards. They also have abcesses I can't identify. That worries me.
S.I.D - I'll be staying up in ye holy lands for a week in the summer, and I always have a promise of grotty floor there, but I'll be finding my own grotty floor in Leicester next year!
Piggy and tazzy - Thank you for your kind and thought provoking wishes. I shall of course give you a call when I am unable to keep my piss to myself.
Student house could be said to be secret code I guess.
Belated as usual, I am! And I really shouldn't have been in your case since our birthdays are so close to each other. However, better late than never:
belated happy birthday wishes! I'm afriad i'm too tired to elaborate.
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