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Straight Talking
About Me

From::Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
I'm an avid dreamer. I have big ideas, and I'll probably take them somewhere. Watch this space. I want to present what I think - and not with words minced up into an acceptable platter. Some things need to be told straight - particularly gay rights. Particularly life in the closet, it's very nature means no one hears it. If they do it's usually tinted with nostalgia. I'm confident, I know what I like and what I don't. Please don't confuse this for arrogance. I'm probably more insecure then you imagine.
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Marriage is love.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Computer Control

My parents are computer illiterate. They can just about type in Word and click print. I think they consider me the spawn of a new generation, spending hours sitting in front of a screen tapping my hands in some sort of alien Morse code.

They are amazed at how I can theoretically do all my studying and shopping from the comfort of my computer chair. I can contact family across the world. I can also meet lesbians from my area – but they don’t know that.

They still look amazed when little packages pop through the door from ebay. The very idea that I can order all the books from my course without having to trawl through bookshops (and indeed, get them second hand, and cheaper) is almost beyond their comprehension.

Who needs the radio times when you have google? Who needs HMV when you have downloads? Who needs parents when you can adopt someone much more to your liking from a forum? Who needs a counsellor when you can pop virtual bubble wrap till your heart’s content?

Soon you’ll even be able to book your Civil Partnership online in Brighton and Hove. You can probably order your outfit, flowers and possibly even guests online. Who needs physical contact when you have broadband??

My parents are trying very hard to understand this new world. But to be fair, it’s almost worth keeping them in the dark...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, my parents are a bit too technologically savvy for my liking. My mostly-estranged mother and I communicate almost solely through e-mail, and it is oh so unnerving when my dad instant messages me. Hell, my mom even met her current (asshole) husband online! Which is part of why my dad thinks online dating/relationships are evil and scary. Which is exactly why he will never know that my girlfriend and I met through Match.com. It's hard enough for him to accept that I'm dating a woman, and he's going to have a massive heart attack when I tell him we're eventually moving in together. If he knew we met online, it might just kill him! It often is best to keep parents in the dark... for their own good.

Mon Mar 13, 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, I kept my parents in the dark alot of the time.

I only let them out if they promised to behave.

Mon Mar 13, 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, you got that right, who needs it when almost everything can be virtually provided?! lol. If only it could be explained that easily. Of course, I'm such a people watcher, I'd miss out on some of the entertainment they provide me.

Tue Mar 14, 12:59:00 AM  

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