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Straight Talking
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From::Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
I'm an avid dreamer. I have big ideas, and I'll probably take them somewhere. Watch this space. I want to present what I think - and not with words minced up into an acceptable platter. Some things need to be told straight - particularly gay rights. Particularly life in the closet, it's very nature means no one hears it. If they do it's usually tinted with nostalgia. I'm confident, I know what I like and what I don't. Please don't confuse this for arrogance. I'm probably more insecure then you imagine.
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Marriage is love.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Birds Punish Gays

Yes, Birds are punishing the world for ‘strengthening and encouraging homosexuality’. Or at least they are in Israel, or so says Rabbi David Basri. He believes that the recent outbreaks of bird flu are God punishing Israel for the Liberal Meretz Party’s campaign to legalize same sex marriage.

Basri, who is part of the Kabbalah sect of Judaism says "The Bible says that God punishes depravity first through plagues against animals and then in people”

Surely the fact that diseases naturally mutate and evolve in animals, becoming deadly to humans is irrelevant to his argument. If it’s a scientific argument, you can’t blame the gays. That would be a shame.

In the same way a Ballymena DUP Councillor believes that Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for Gays too. I can’t help but feel this local politician, and probably many in his party, would really get on quite well… Maybe I should set them up?

Politics (and this case religion) seems to be very much a game of finger pointing. If you can point the blame at someone else, particularly a group, which is under represented and discriminated against, then that stops you actually having to do anything productive.

Oh how very primary school.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard? The terrorist attacks on September 11, the tsunami in SE Asia, and Hurricane Katrina were all the fault of the gays, too. Just ask Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson. Sorry about all those disasters, world... we'll try to be less gay!

Mon Mar 27, 12:24:00 AM  

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